{{tag>motioncapture democap behavior}} [[:start|Start Page]] >> [[main|DEMoCap: Drag[en]gine Motion Capture]] >> [[democap:elementclasses|XML Element Classes]] >> ** ECBSceneObject ** ====== ECBSceneObject ====== Behavior for scene object elements. Scene objects have an optional name and are shown to the user in the project panel. Scene objects are persistable except the active motion capture actor which is not saved. It is mandatory to add this behavior otherwise the user can not add an instance of this object to the scene. ====== Instance Counts ====== This behavior can be used only once on an element. ====== Element Class Properties ====== Element class properties have the prefix ''sceneObject.''. ===== name ===== Name to use for newly created objects. * Full name: ''sceneObject.name'' * Type: string * Default Value: empty string * Example (*.deeclass) value ===== addActorOffset ===== Offset relative to actor position to add new object to. Depending on what kind of object is added it is useful to place it on the ground in front of the actor or in front of the actor head. Value can be ''null'' to let DEMoCap decide what offset to use. * Full name: ''sceneObject.addActorOffset'' * Type: 3-component float vector * Default Value: ''null'' * Example (*.deeclass) ===== canHide ===== Object can be hidden. Set this property only to ''true'' if there exists one or more other behaviors able to show the object again. Otherwise the user can not show the element anymore. * Full name: ''sceneObject.canHide'' * Type: boolean * Default Value: ''false'' * Example (*.deeclass) false ===== editPanelNoBehaviors ===== Do not show behavior panels for editing. Only for use by MoCapActorClass. Do not set this to true unless you know what you are doing. * Full name: ''sceneObject.editPanelNoBehaviors'' * Type: boolean * Default Value: ''false'' * Example (*.deeclass) false ===== editPanelNoPhysics ===== Do not show behavior panels for physics. Only for use by MoCapActorClass. Do not set this to true unless you know what you are doing. * Full name: ''sceneObject.editPanelNoPhysics'' * Type: boolean * Default Value: ''false'' * Example (*.deeclass) false ====== Events ====== This behavior has no events. ====== Conversation Commands ====== This behavior adds no conversation commands. ====== Conversation Conditions ====== This behavior adds no conversation conditions. ====== Behavior Tree Actions ====== This behavior adds no behavior tree actions. ====== Behavior Tree Conditions ====== This behavior adds no behavior tree conditions. ====== Required Behaviors ====== This behavior requires no other behaviors. ====== Optional Behaviors ====== This behavior does not support optional behaviors. ====== API Documentation ====== Since DEMoCap Version ''1.3'' ====== Use Cases ====== * Mandatory behavior. ====== Element Class Example ====== class MyElement extends BehaviorElementClass public var ECBSceneObject sceneObject func new() sceneObject = ECBSceneObject.new(this) end end ====== Behavior Factory ====== Using element class supporting adding behaviors the behavior can be added like this (again create an example which creates a valid element class): ====== Live Examples ======