{{tag>motioncapture democap}}
[[:start|Start Page]] >> [[main|DEMoCap: Drag[en]gine Motion Capture]] >> **Dialog: Actor Profile**
{{ :democap:ui_dialog_actorprofile.png?direct |Actor Profile Dialog }}
This dialog allows to edit parameters of a motion capture actor. Setting these properties correctly is required for motion transfer to work properly. It is recommended to have another persons assist you in measuring.
====== Profile Name ======
Unique name of the actor profile. This name is shown in the [[democap:uipanelcharacter|Character Panel]] selection box.
====== Shoulder Level ======
Distance in meters between the floor and the center of your shoulder. Keep your legs straight and your feet touching (front side and back side) while measuring this value.
====== Shoulder Width ======
Distance in meters between the center of your left and right shoulder.
====== Arm Length ======
Distance in meters between center of your shoulder and the center of the palm.
====== Leg Length ======
Distance in meters between the floor and your waist. Keep your legs straight and your feet touching (front side and back side) while measuring this value.
====== Foot Distance ======
Distance in meters between the center of your feet. Keep your feet touching (front side and back side) while measuring this value.