{{tag>api dragengine}} [[:start|Start Page]] >> **API Documentation** The Drag[en]gine Game Engine source code is available under the L-GPL or GPL license as you desire. Due to the [[dragengine:glem|GLEM System]] game projects do not link directly to the game engine and thus do not take over this license. Hence the following licensing situation is present: * Game Engine: L-GPL or GPL * Modules: L-GPL, GPL or compatible to them * Launcher: L-GPL, GPL or compatible to them * Games: any license you see fit. ====== Drag[en]gine API Documentation ====== The latest online API documentation can be found here: * #@LinkApiDocDE_HTML~Drag[en]gine API #@VersionDE@#~@# All documentation can be found here: * #@LinkDocDEDE_HTML~Drag[en]gine Documentation (GitHub Pages)~@#