{{tag>api dragonscript}} [[:start|Start Page]] >> [[main|DragonScript Script Module]] >> **API Documentation** The DragonScript source code is available under the L-GPL or GPL license as you desire. There are two API documentations for the DragonScript Script Module. The **DragonScript Language API** is the language specific API containing the basic script classes provided by the DragonScript Language itself. The **DragonScript Script API** is the game engine module specific API. It contains all the script classes the script module adds on top of the DragonScript language for game projects to use the Drag[en]gine Game Engine. ====== DragonScript Script API Documentation ====== The latest online API documentation can be found here: * #@LinkApiDocDEDS_HTML~DragonScript Script API: #@VersionDE@#~@# All online documentation can be found here: * #@LinkDocDEDS_HTML~DragonScript Documentation (GitHub Pages)~@# ====== DragonScript Language API Documentation ====== The latest online API documentation can be found here: * #@LinkApiDocDSLang_HTML~DragonScript Language API: #@VersionDS@#~@# All online documentation can be found here: * #@LinkDocDSLang_HTML~DragonScript Documentation (GitHub Pages)~@#