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Behavior element behavior adding dimming support to ECBehaviorLight.

This behavior modifies the light parameters of ECBehaviorLight instances present in the element to make lights gently raise and lower intensity when (de)activated.

To use this behavior add first an ECBehaviorLight. Adding ECBehaviorLightDimmer will then register itself as listener to the ECBehaviorLight and also set it to use custom light handling.

Instance Counts

This behavior can be used multiple times on an element to affect different lights. Use the behavior identifier to tell them apart.

Element Class Properties

Element class properties have the prefix lightDimmer. or lightDimmer({id}). if id is not empty.


Set time in seconds required to raise light intensity to full brightness.

  • Full name: lightDimmer.timeRaise or lightDimmer({id}).timeRaise
  • Type: float
  • Default Value: 1
  • Restriction: At least 0
  • Example (*.deeclass)
    <float name='lightDimmer.timeRaise'>0.5</float>


Set time in seconds required to lower light intensity to 0 intensity.

  • Full name: lightDimmer.timeLower or lightDimmer({id}).timeLower
  • Type: float
  • Default Value: 1
  • Restriction: At least 0
  • Example (*.deeclass)
    <float name='lightDimmer.timeLower'>0.5</float>


This behavior has no events.

Required Behaviors

Optional Behaviors

This behavior does not support optional behaviors.


This behavior does support element class to be persistable (setPersistable).

API Documentation


Since DragonScript Module Version 1.0

Use Cases

  • Change light switch on and off to gradually fade in and out.

Element Class Example

This example defines an element which contains a light with dimming support.

class MyElement extends BehaviorElementClass
  public var ECBehaviorLight light
  public var ECBehaviorLightDimmer lightDimmer
  func new()
    light =, null)
    lightDimmer =, light)

Behavior Factory

Using element class supporting adding behaviors the behavior can be added like this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<elementClass name='MyClass' class='GenericBehaviorElement'>
  <behavior type='ECBehaviorLight'/>
  <behavior type='ECBehaviorLightDimmer'>
    <!-- optional: use light with id instead of empty string -->
    <string name='light'>second</string>
    <!-- set element properties. omit property prefix if used inside behavior tag -->
    <float name='.timeRaise'>1.5</float>
  <!-- for adding multiple behaviors use unique identifiers -->
  <behavior type='ECBehaviorLightDimmer' id='second'/>

Live Examples

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dragengine/modules/dragonscript/behavior_lightdimmerr.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/12 19:36 by dragonlord