[[:start|Start Page]] >> [[dragengine:modules:dragonscript:main|DragonScript Scripting Language]] >> [[dragengine:modules:dragonscript:guitheme|Gui Themes]] >> **Define XML Decoration**
====== Decorations ======
Decorations can be defined as parameters using the //decoration// tag or inside own XML files typically with the extension //*.decoration.xml//. The extension can be chosen differently if required. For both versions the same tag definition is used.
Decorations are always based directly or indirectly on a type. This type is the //Decoration Prototype// and defines what instance of //DecorationFactory// is used in the scripts. The choice of prototype affects the appearance and functionality of the decoration and the factory configuration possibilities.
The following prototypes are provided by default by the #@LinkApiDocDEDS2_HTML~classDragengine_1_1Gui_1_1Decorations_1_1Factories_1_1DecorationFactories.html,DecorationFactories~@# script class:
^ Name ^ Script Class ^ Description ^
| [[#default|Default]] | #@LinkApiDocDEDS2_HTML~classDragengine_1_1Gui_1_1Decorations_1_1Factories_1_1DefaultDecorationFactory.html,DefaultDecorationFactory~@# | Default decoration with no visual appearance and no interaction |
| [[#canvascreator|CanvasCreator]] | #@LinkApiDocDEDS2_HTML~classDragengine_1_1Gui_1_1Decorations_1_1Factories_1_1CanvasCreatorDecorationFactory.html,CanvasCreatorDecorationFactory~@# | Decoration using canvas creator for the border elements |
You can use custom prototypes by adding them to #@LinkApiDocDEDS2_HTML~classDragengine_1_1Gui_1_1Decorations_1_1Factories_1_1DecorationFactories.html,DecorationFactories~@# instance before loading gui themes. This is useful if you created custom decoration subclasses requiring custom parameters.
This example defines a decoration based on the //CanvasCreator// prototype.
If you modify an existing decoration factory the type of the original decoration factory is taken over. This example creates a decoration factory by loading it from a file.
====== Decoration Factory Parameters ======
Decoration factories are configured by setting parameters. For each supported parameter type an own tag exists. See [[dragengine:modules:dragonscript:xmlguitheme:parameters|Defining Parameters]] for an overview of the supported types. The supported parameters by decoration factory type are listed below.
===== Default =====
The most basic decoration with no visual appearance and no interaction at all. Creates an instance of the #@LinkApiDocDEDS2_HTML~classDragengine_1_1Gui_1_1Decorations_1_1Factories_1_1DefaultDecorationFactory.html,DefaultDecorationFactory~@# script class. This is used to define windows with no decoration at all for example for full screen windows. You can also use //null// or not setting a decoration at all. By default windows have no decorations.
This factory has no parameters.
===== CanvasCreator =====
Creates a decoration factory using canvas creators. Creates an instance of the #@LinkApiDocDEDS2_HTML~classDragengine_1_1Gui_1_1Decorations_1_1Factories_1_1CanvasCreatorDecorationFactory.html,CanvasCreatorDecorationFactory~@# script class.
The window support these display states to style individually:
* //active//. Window is active.
* //inactive//. Window is inactive.
The buttons support these display states to style individually:
* //normal//. Button is in the normal or basic state.
* //disabled//. Button is disabled and can not be pressed.
* //hover//. Mouse pointer is hovering over the button.
* //pressed//. Button is pressed down.
In the list below replace //{windowState}// with one of the window state names above and //{buttonState}// with one of the button state names above. For example to define the canvas for inactive window state the parameter name would be //inactive.canvas//. To define the button image for hover state the parameter name would be //hover.imageButtonClose//.
These parameters can be used:
^ Parameter Name ^ Supported parameter type ^ Description ^
| decorationSize | [[dragengine:modules:dragonscript:xmlguitheme:parameters#bordersize|BorderSize]] | Amount of space reserved around the widget to draw the decoration |
| {windowState}.canvas | [[dragengine:modules:dragonscript:xmlguitheme:parameters#canvas_creator|CanvasCreator]] | Canvas creator to use for window state |
| {buttonState}.imageButtonClose | [[dragengine:modules:dragonscript:xmlguitheme:parameters#image|Image]] | Image to use for the close button in the state |
| {buttonState}.imageButtonMaximize | [[dragengine:modules:dragonscript:xmlguitheme:parameters#image|Image]] | Image to use for the maximize button in the state |
| {buttonState}.imageButtonMinimize | [[dragengine:modules:dragonscript:xmlguitheme:parameters#image|Image]] | Image to use for the minimize button in the state |