[[:start|Start Page]] >> **Modding Epsylon**
This section contains information that are specific to the Epsylon game.
====== Project Epsylon Dissected ======
* [[epsylon:scenario|Scenarios and their usage]]
* [[epsylon:classes|Script classes]]
* [[epsylon:computers|Real time computers]]
* [[epsylon:playeractions|Player actions]]
* [[epsylon:inputprocessors|Input Processors]]
* [[epsylon:vegetationsystem|Vegetation System]]
* [[epsylon:vegsysnodeedit|Vegetation System Node Editor]]
====== File Formats ======
These file formats are defined and recognized by the [[http://epsylon.rptd.ch|Epsylon game]]. They can be used to create games or modifications based on the Epsylon game code base. If you want to you can use these also for projects not based on the Epsylon game code base or write your own.
* [[formats:epsylon:mail:Mails]]
* [[formats:epsylon:computer:Computers]]