{{tag>igde editor}}
[[:start|Start Page]] >> [[:gamedev|Game Development with the Drag[en]gine]] >> [[gamedev:deigde|Drag[en]gine Integrated Game Development Environment]] >> **3D-View Navigation**
====== 3D-View Navigation ======
Various editors use a 3D-View as preview window. These windows share a similar navigation scheme to make it easier to switch between editors.
Each 3D-View has one active camera which the user can manipulate either using the 3D-View directly or a nearby //Camera Properties Panel//.
3D-View cameras //Orbit// around the camera position using a variable //Distance//. This allows to move around a scene FPS-like or moving away from an object to oribit around it to get a better view. Some editors prefer FPS-like camera handling which most others prefer orbiting camera handling.
Inside the 3D-View these key bindings can be used to modify the camera parameters:
* MOUSE_RIGHT **dragging**: Rotate the camera around the camera position.
* SHIFT+MOUSE_RIGHT **dragging**: Move the camera position **left**, **right**, **up** and **down**.
* CTRL+MOUSE_RIGHT **dragging**: Move the camera position **forward** and **backwards**.
* SHIFT+CTRL+MOUSE_RIGHT **dragging**: Move **closer** or **farther away** from the camera center. This increases/decreases the //Orbit Distance//.
====== Camera Properties Panel ======
{{ :gamedev:deigde:editors:editor_3dview_properties.png?nolink|Camera Properties}}
These are the camera properties which can be manually edited in the properties panel:
The **Position** is the camera position. The camera orbits around this position.
The **Rotation** is the camera orientation. The axis rotations are Euler angles. The rotation order is
* **Z-Axis**
* **X-Axis**
* **Y-Axis**
The coordinate system is //Left-Handed// with
* **X-Axis** pointing to the **right**
* **Y-Axis** pointing **up**
* **Z-Axis** pointing **forward**
The **Orbit Distance** is the orbit distance to the camera position. A value of 0 equals FPS-like navigation while larger values equal orbit-like navigation.
The **View** parameter is read-only and shows the camera view direction as normal vector.
The **FoV** parameters define the //Field of View//. The first field is the //Primary// field of view (along the height of the view) as Euler angle. The angle covers the entire view hence for a typical FPS view the value is between **75 -> 90**. The second field is the //Secondary// field of view (along the width of the view) as multiplier. The 3D-Views calculate the appropriate ratio themselves. Using this parameter this ratio can be modified. Except special testing situations you nearly always want to keep this at the value of 1.
The **Distance** parameters define the //Image Distance// and //View Distance//. The image distance is the near frustum clipping distance (image plane) while the view distance is the far frustum clipping distance (far plane). Content beyond these limits are not rendered by the camera.
The **Exposure** parameters define the //Exposure// and //Adaption Time//. The Drag[en]gine uses by default [[gamedev:pbr|Physics Based Rendering]]. The exposure value is typically 1 and can be used to over/under-expose the image. The adaption time defines the time in seconds required for the virtual eye to adapt to changing light conditions.
The **Adaption** parameters define the //Lower Intensity// and //Upper Intensity// to adapt to. Light conditions going below become dark while light conditions above wash out to white. The adaption time is used to smoothly adjust the virtual eye inside this light range.