{{tag>igde editor gettingstarted}} [[:start|Start Page]] >> [[:gamedev|Game Development with the Drag[en]gine]] >> **Example Projects** ====== Example Projects ====== Example projects for the the Drag[en]gine game engine. You can find the source code in the [[https://github.com/LordOfDragons/deexamples|GitHub Repository]]. There you can also find in the [[https://github.com/LordOfDragons/deexamples/releases|Release Section]] the pre-build **DELGA files** to test out the example projects without opening the project files. ====== Usage ====== Download or clone the source code to your computer. Each directory contains an example project as well as a directory with some example content you can use for getting to know the game engine. ===== Directory exampleApp ===== This project is a basic example of a game application. It contains various small areas demonstrating individual engine features. Seeing how something works is usually easier than reading documentation. ===== Directory dstestproject ===== Another test project focusing on various UI aspects of the **DragonScript Script Module**. The exampe is organized as a set of windows you can open each demonstrating UI features. ===== Directory audioTest ===== This project contains a flight of hallways with individual rooms demonstrating the Drag[en]gine Audio System. This audio system provides aurealization support which is enabled automatically if your **game objects** are befitted with **audio models** and you use **audio texture properties** on your **object skins**. ===== Directory videoplayer ===== This project contains a simple video player. ===== Directory network ===== This project contains an example of a network game application. The project consist of a simple game prototype allowing a player to host a game and others to join the game. Some basic game mechanics are present which are unfinished on purpose. You are encouraged to try complete the mechanics as a learning experience. ===== Directory degraphicstest ===== This project is a bit more than just an example project. The basic idea behind this project is to allow **graphic module** developers to test features using a simple test setup. This project allows to load worlds and shows a configurable set of **parameters** on the UI. The user can then manipulate the parameters to examine their effect. The project is made in a way users/developers can share test worlds with others. ===== Directory exampleContent ===== This directory contains some example content. Contains some simple example skins covering a couple of different materials as well as an example **game object class** defined using the **XML element class** system. This content you can directly copy/paste into your projects to experiment with.