{{tag>graphic skin texture}}
[[:start|Start Page]] >> [[:gamedev|Game Development with the Drag[en]gine]] >> [[gamedev:skinproperties|Skin Texture Properties]] >> [[gamedev:texturepropertylist|Texture Property Database]] >> **clip.plane**
====== Skin Texture Property: clip.plane ======
Defines blend factor for clipping model geometry based on the distance to a clip plane.
|Excepted Data Source|1 component value|
|Data Range|between 0 and 1 inclusive|
|Default Value|0|
|Affected Modules|Graphic|
|Linked Properties|[[gamedev:textureproperties:clip_plane_border|clip.plane.border]], [[gamedev:textureproperties:solidity|solidity]], [[gamedev:textureproperties:solidity_masked|solidity.masked]]|
====== Description ======
The clip plane is defined by the coordinate system of a named bone assigned this the **clip.plane** texture property. The position of the bone is the origin of the clip plane. The positive Z axis of the bone is the plane normal. Vertices in front of the clip plane (along the positive bone Z axis) are rendered while vertices on the back side are hidden.
{{ :gamedev:textureproperties:clip_plane_texture_property.svg |Clipping}}
Using the [[gamedev:textureproperties:clip_plane_border|clip.plane.border]] texture property allows to create a smooth transition between the two sides.
Clipping is multiplied with the [[gamedev:textureproperties:solidity|solidity]] texture property. Hence clipping can be used together with solidity. The [[gamedev:textureproperties:solidity_masked|solidity.masked]] affects clipping too. Hence if you want to use [[gamedev:textureproperties:clip_plane_border|clip.plane.border]] to create a smooth transition set [[gamedev:textureproperties:solidity_masked|solidity.masked]] to 0. For performance reasons it is recommended to set [[gamedev:textureproperties:solidity_masked|solidity.masked]] to 1 unless you need it.
This property is specified using a single value in the range from 0 to 1. A value of 0 disables clipping. A value of 1 enables clipping. Values in between gradually blend between clipped and unclipped.
The default value for this texture property is 0 which disables clipping.
====== Examples ======
Bone at portal pointing right. Value 0 (no clipping)
{{ :gamedev:textureproperties:clip_plane_unclipped.webm?686x322 |Value 0 (unclipped)}}
Bone at portal pointing right. Value 1 (fully clipped)
{{ :gamedev:textureproperties:clip_plane_clipped.webm?686x322 |Value 1 (fully clipped}}