{{tag>graphic skin texture variation}}
[[:start|Start Page]] >> [[:gamedev|Game Development with the Drag[en]gine]] >> [[gamedev:skinproperties|Skin Texture Properties]] >> [[gamedev:texturepropertylist|Texture Property Database]] >> **variation.u / variation.v**
====== Skin Texture Property: variation.{u,v} ======
Enables texture variation in U and V direction.
|Excepted Data Source|1 component value|
|Data Range|0 to 1|
|Default Value|0|
|Affected Modules|Graphic|
|Linked Properties|-|
====== Description ======
The **variation.u** and **variation.v** texture property define if texture variations are used along the texture U and V direction. If texture variations are enabled various texture properties can be defines using a depth of larger than 1. The integral part of texture coordinates in the U and V direction are used to randomly pick a layer from these properties. A value of 0 indicates that texture variations are not used along the U and V direction. A value of 1 indicates that texture variations are used along the U and V direction.
The value is typically a single component value with the data in the values 0 or 1.
The default value for these texture properties are 0.
====== Examples ======
{{ :gamedev:textureproperties:variation1.jpg |Variation enabled material}}
Variation enabled material. Example with colored variation of a base texture. Each tile uses a random layer.
{{ :gamedev:textureproperties:variation2.jpg |U-Variation enabled material}}
U-Variation enabled material. Example with colored variation of a base texture. Only U-Variation enabled. Suitable for walls.
{{ :gamedev:textureproperties:variation3.jpg |V-Variation enabled material}}
V-Variation enabled material. Example with colored variation of a base texture. Only V-Variation enabled. Suitable for walls.
{{ youtube>dhudrzDJ5T8?600x480 |Variation Textures}}
Variation Textures