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democap:uipanelsettings [2022/01/30 21:17] – created dragonlorddemocap:uipanelsettings [2025/03/23 11:28] (current) – [Show VR View] dragonlord
Line 4: Line 4:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP right :en>{{ :democap:ui_panel_settings_settings.png?direct |Panel Settings}}</WRAP>
 {{ :democap:ui_category_settings.png?direct |}} {{ :democap:ui_category_settings.png?direct |}}
-<WRAP right :en>{{ :democap:ui_panel_settings.png?direct|Panel Settings}}</WRAP> +Contains global settings including VR control
-  * todo <wrap em><wrap hi>...</wrap></wrap>+
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
-Contains global settings including VR control.+====== Module Parameters ====== 
 +Shows dialog allowing user to change game engine module parameters. 
 +====== Test Input Devices ====== 
 +Shows dialog allowing user to test all known input devices. 
 +====== Help (Wiki) ====== 
 +Shows the DEMoCap wiki landing page in the system browser. 
 +====== Modifications ====== 
 +Shows dialog allowing user to browse and install [[democap:modding|Modifications]]. 
 +====== Enable VR ====== 
 +Enables VR System. VR System starts out disabled to allow mocap operators to set up the scenes before actors are ready to perform. Once enabled //Enable VR View// is enabled too. 
 +====== Enable HMD ====== 
 +Enables HMD. If the HMD is enabled the actor is shown the virtual camera view of the character. If the HMD is disabled the actor is shown a static waiting room environment disjoint from the character and the motion capture world loaded. It is useful to place the actor in such a temporary space his character or world geometry around him have to be quickly moved to avoid the actor getting nauseatic. 
 +====== Eye Gaze Tracking ====== 
 +Enables eye gaze tracking if the VR runtime supports it. Changing this parameter has no effect after Enable VR has been enabled. Hence changes to this parameter take effect only the next time the VR runtime is started. 
 +====== Facial Tracking ====== 
 +Enables facial tracking if the VR runtime supports it. Changing this parameter has no effect after Enable VR has been enabled. Hence changes to this parameter take effect only the next time the VR runtime is started. 
 +====== Show VR View ====== 
 +If enabled shows the left eye send to the actor HMD in the 3D view. If disabled shows a free navigation 3D camera controlled by the mocap operator. 
 +====== Remote Camera ====== 
 +Show the [[democap:behavior_ecbremotecamera|Remote Camera]] in the main view. Enabled ''Show VR View'' takes precedence. 
 +====== Auto Export ====== 
 +To make captures more efficient the Auto Export setting can be enabled. If enabled and a [[democap:uipanelcapture#stage_directions|Stage Direction]] is selected each capture down on a Captured Characters is automatically exported into a sub directory with the same name as the stage direction. If the capture exists already it is overwritten. This avoids the need to manually export captures which is especially a time saver for single-person use. 
 +Auto exporting exports animations into directories of this pattern: <wrap hi>{projectDirectory}/export/{scene}/{stage direction}/{object}/{animation}.*</wrap>
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP> 
 +====== View Settings ====== 
 +<WRAP right :en>{{ :democap:ui_panel_settings_viewsettings.png?direct |Panel Settings}}</WRAP> 
 +Shows settings affecting views. 
 +===== Bubble Size ===== 
 +Size of [[democap:interactions#interaction_bubbles|Interaction Bubbles]]. Use this to adjust the bubble size for best reading text or ease of interaction. The default value is 1/3 from the left. 
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP> 
 +====== Network Access ====== 
 +<WRAP right :en>{{ :democap:ui_panel_session_netaccess.png?direct|Panel Session}}</WRAP> 
 +Allows to start/stop the network server allowing other applications to connect to DEMoCap. Connected applications can receive live motion capture data as well as controlling the motion capture session. 
 +The specification of the supported messages and states can be found here: [[netspec|DEMoCap Network Specification]]. 
 +The default port is ''3413''. You can choose any port you like. 
 +You can enter address in the following forms to listen on: 
 +^  Address  ^ Description ^ 
 +|  ''hostname''  | Listen on resolvable hostname on port ''3413''. Picks the first public IP address found on the host. Depending on your operating system this can be IPv6 or IPv4. | 
 +|  ''hostname:port''  | Listen on resolvable hostname using custom port. Picks the first public IP address found. Depending on your operating system this can be IPv6 or IPv4. | 
 +|  ''IPv6''  | Listen on IPv6 address on port ''3413''. Address can be in full and shortened form. | 
 +|  ''[IPv6]:port''  | Listen on IPv6 address using custom port. Address can be in full and shortened form. | 
 +|  ''IPv4''  | Listen on IPv4 address on port ''3413''. | 
 +|  ''IPv4:port''  | Listen on IPv4 address using custom port. | 
 +|  ''*''  | Listen on the first public IP address found on the host on port ''3413''. Depending on your operating system this can be IPv6 or IPv4. | 
 +|  ''*:port''  | Listen on the first public IP address found on the host using custom port. Depending on your operating system this can be IPv6 or IPv4. | 
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP> 
 +====== Debug / Performance ====== 
 +Shows debug and performance information.
democap/uipanelsettings.1643577457.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/30 21:17 by dragonlord