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Start Page » DEMoCap: Drag[en]gine Motion Capture » VR Usage

VR Menu

While in VR view you can bring up the VR Menu by pressing and holding the left or right controller Menu button. The VR Menu is shown a short distance in front of the respective controller facing the virtual camera. Keep the button pressed to move and rotate the VR Menu into the desired position. Once you release the button the VR stays at that position.

To hide the VR menu press the left or right controller Menu button while the VR menu is visible.

The VR Menu is automatically hidden during Capture Motion and shown again once recording stops.

The VR Menu is also hidden during Calibration.

Object Interactions

Activate the laser pointer by placing the thumb on the left or right Track+Pad. Point at an object and pull the left or right Trigger to select the object. Only one object can be the selected object at all times. The selected object shows handles around the perimeter. Point the laser pointer at a handle and pull the left or right Trigger to interact with the handle. The interaction continues as long as the respective Trigger is kept pulled.

VR Mirror

To examine your character for proper setup press the Mirror button in the VR Menu. The mirror is placed 45 degrees to the front right side of the character position. If the mirror is visible while the button is pressed it is hidden.

The mirror has three handles (as seen from the character point of view):

The VR Mirror is automatically hidden during Capture Motion and shown again once recording stops.

The VR Mirror is also hidden during Calibration.