Start Page » DEMoCap: Drag[en]gine Motion Capture » Low Level Motion Transfer: Fingers
Bend fingers in response to VR Controller bending input. Each finger can be controlled individually or not at all. Each finger is defined as a single bone chain. Bending can be fine tuned using an animation move.
Name of motion transfer to identify it in the list. Name is not required to be unique.
Last bone in the thumb finger chain. Click on the label or the combo box to activate bone selection mode. Click in the preview window on a bone to select it. The selected bone is marked in red. Thumb finger is not bend if no bone is selected.
First bone in the thumb finger chain. Click on the label or the combo box to activate bone selection mode. Click in the preview window on a bone to select it. The selected bone is marked in red. Thumb finger is not bend if no bone is selected.
Rotation of thumb base bone for use with non-animation-move based finger tracking. In this mode each individual finger segment is bend along the X-axis (red axis) and spread along the Y-axis (green axis). The X-axis has to point to the right side (to thumb on the left and and away from thumb on the right hand). The Y-axis has to point out of the back of the hand.
Last bone in the index finger chain. Click on the label or the combo box to activate bone selection mode. Click in the preview window on a bone to select it. The selected bone is marked in red. Index finger is not bend if no bone is selected.
First bone in the index finger chain. Click on the label or the combo box to activate bone selection mode. Click in the preview window on a bone to select it. The selected bone is marked in red. Index finger is not bend if no bone is selected.
Rotation of index base bone for use with non-animation-move based finger tracking. In this mode each individual finger segment is bend along the X-axis (red axis) and spread along the Y-axis (green axis). The X-axis has to point to the right side (to thumb on the left and and away from thumb on the right hand). The Y-axis has to point out of the back of the hand.
Last bone in the middle finger chain. Click on the label or the combo box to activate bone selection mode. Click in the preview window on a bone to select it. The selected bone is marked in red. Middle finger is not bend if no bone is selected.
First bone in the middle finger chain. Click on the label or the combo box to activate bone selection mode. Click in the preview window on a bone to select it. The selected bone is marked in red. Middle finger is not bend if no bone is selected.
Rotation of middle base bone for use with non-animation-move based finger tracking. In this mode each individual finger segment is bend along the X-axis (red axis) and spread along the Y-axis (green axis). The X-axis has to point to the right side (to thumb on the left and and away from thumb on the right hand). The Y-axis has to point out of the back of the hand.
Last bone in the ring finger chain. Click on the label or the combo box to activate bone selection mode. Click in the preview window on a bone to select it. The selected bone is marked in red. Ring finger is not bend if no bone is selected.
First bone in the ring finger chain. Click on the label or the combo box to activate bone selection mode. Click in the preview window on a bone to select it. The selected bone is marked in red. Ring finger is not bend if no bone is selected.
Rotation of ring base bone for use with non-animation-move based finger tracking. In this mode each individual finger segment is bend along the X-axis (red axis) and spread along the Y-axis (green axis). The X-axis has to point to the right side (to thumb on the left and and away from thumb on the right hand). The Y-axis has to point out of the back of the hand.
Last bone in the pinky finger chain. Click on the label or the combo box to activate bone selection mode. Click in the preview window on a bone to select it. The selected bone is marked in red. Pinky finger is not bend if no bone is selected.
First bone in the pinky finger chain. Click on the label or the combo box to activate bone selection mode. Click in the preview window on a bone to select it. The selected bone is marked in red. Pinky finger is not bend if no bone is selected.
Rotation of pinky base bone for use with non-animation-move based finger tracking. In this mode each individual finger segment is bend along the X-axis (red axis) and spread along the Y-axis (green axis). The X-axis has to point to the right side (to thumb on the left and and away from thumb on the right hand). The Y-axis has to point out of the back of the hand.
Tracker slot to use. List shows all tracker slots defined in the character configuration. Motion transfer has no effect if no slot is set or device has no finger support.
Bending angle to use for VR Controller Finger with full bend value. The bending is equally distributed across all bones in the finger chains. Only bones of fully defined finger chains are animated.
Move from character animation file to use as closed hand state. If set replaces bending using bend angle with blending the move. The first frame in the move is used as closed hand state. All other frames are not used. The VR Controller Finger bend value is used to blend the move. Only bones of fully defined finger chains are animated.
Show parameters for fine tuning. These can be also adjusted in the Tweaking Panel.
Defines the bend strength of the thumb. This is used only if finger tracking without animation move is used. Reducing this value helps to prevent fingers from clipping through the palm in case of character having finger segments of strongly differing length.
Defines the bend strength of the index finger. This is used only if finger tracking without animation move is used. Reducing this value helps to prevent fingers from clipping through the palm in case of character having finger segments of strongly differing length.
Defines the bend strength of the middle finger. This is used only if finger tracking without animation move is used. Reducing this value helps to prevent fingers from clipping through the palm in case of character having finger segments of strongly differing length.
Defines the bend strength of the ring finger. This is used only if finger tracking without animation move is used. Reducing this value helps to prevent fingers from clipping through the palm in case of character having finger segments of strongly differing length.
Defines the bend strength of the pinky finger. This is used only if finger tracking without animation move is used. Reducing this value helps to prevent fingers from clipping through the palm in case of character having finger segments of strongly differing length.