Start Page » DEMoCap: Drag[en]gine Motion Capture » Low Level Motion Transfer: Copy Slot State
Copy state of one slot to another. This allows to attach the position and orientation of one slot to another one. This can be used if a slot has no VR device attached. This can be the case if a slot is only used as intermediate slot to make it easier to create motion transfers.
Name of motion transfer to identify it in the list. Name is not required to be unique.
Tracker slot to copy state to. List shows all tracker slots defined in the character configuration. Motion transfer has no effect if no slot is set or device has no finger support.
Scale source rotation before applying to the target slot.
Tracker to copy state from. Use position and rotation to set where the target slot will be located in relation to the source slot.
If “Full” Auto Transform is used the target slot is directly attached to the source slot. In this situation the slot target positions define the spacial relationship between the two.
If “Orientation” Auto Transform is used the target slot will be always located where the source slot is but with the orientation of the source slot. This can be used to place the slot at a given position relative to the source slot without altering the target slot target position. This can be required if the target position is required by motion transfers and can not be moved.