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Network Specification

The DEMoCap Networking uses the Drag[en]gine Network Protocol as protocol and defines a set of messages and linked states supported by DEMoCap. The specification can change with upcoming DEMoCap updates but stays backwards compatible. Servers and clients are required to ignore unknown messages and linked states.

To implement this protocol best use Drag[en]gine Network Library and add the necessary message and state handling.

Frame Number

Various messages use FrameNumber to indicate in what update frame a message has been generated. To avoid delayed old messages interfering with new messages the following pseudo-code has to be used:

int32 Difference = (int32)FrameNumber - (int32)LastReceivedFrameNumber
if Difference == 0 then ignore message // duplicate
if Difference < -32767 then Difference += 65536 // wrap around uint16
if abs(Difference) > WindowSize then ignore message
if Difference < 0 then ignore message
process message

WindowSize is by default 180 unless message define a different value.


These are all messages the server and the client can send to each other.

Connect Request

Upon connecting the client has to send this message to request access to DEMoCap indicating the kinds of features it supports. The connect request message has this format:

Type Name Description
Byte Code Message code. Is value 1
Byte[16] Signature Identifies the connecting client as a DEMoCap client. Value has to be DEMoCap-Client-0.
UInt SupportedFeatures

Features supported by the client. Flags value with these possible values:

  • 0: Enable Vertex Position Set data to be send by client and server. If enabled certain messages contain additional data elements.
String8 Name Name describing the remote client connecting. This is a free form name of short length indicating what software is connecting. It is used only to show the user who is connected to identify the individual connections.
- Reserved Reserved for future expansion. Ignore any additional bytes in the message

The server will then respond with a Server Features message before sending any other messages.

Connect Accepted

Send by the server after a client connects which send Connect Request message identifying itself as a DEMoCap client. This is the first message received from the server. The client should not send any messages until it has received this message as this will get him disconnected. The message is send reliable and has this format:

Type Name Description
Byte Code Message code. Is value 2
Byte[16] Signature Identifies the server as a DEMoCap server. Value is DEMoCap-Server-0. If this value is not matching the client has to disconnect immediately as it is not connecting to a DEMoCap server.
UInt EnabledFeatures Enabled features supported by both the connecting client and the server. Same possible values as in SupportedFeatures in Connect Request message
- Reserved Reserved for future expansion. Ignore any additional bytes in the message

Actor Capture Bone Layout

Send by the server if the bone layout used for motion capture changes. Bone layouts do change if a different character configuration has been activated or the character configuration changed. Layout contains the entire bone hierarchy for the active character. Each bone is marked static or dynamic. Dynamic bones are affected by motion transfer rules. Static bones are not affected by motion transfer rules. Send are all bones since static bones can still be animated due to playing back a previous animation or using a base animation. The dynamic flag can be used by clients to know which data is motion capture and which data has other source. The message is send reliable and has this format:

Type Name Description
Byte Code Message code. Is value 3
Byte Revision Revision number incremented by one (with wrapping at 0xff) each time a new bone layout is send.
UShort BoneCount Count of bones. Can not be larger than 0x7fff.
BoneData[BoneCount] Bones BoneCount bone data.
UShort VertexPositionSetCount Only present if feature bit 0 has been enabled while connecting.
Count of vertex position sets. Can not be larger than 0x7fff.
VertexPositionSetData[VertexPositionSetCount] VertexPositionSets Only present if feature bit 0 has been enabled while connecting.
VertexPositionSetCount vertex position set data.
- Reserved Reserved for future expansion. Ignore any additional bytes in the message

BoneData has this format:

Type Name Description
String8 Name Name of bone.
Short Parent Index of parent bone or -1 if root bone.
Vector Position Position relative to rig or parent bone.
Quaternion Orientation Origin orientation in rig or parent bone.

VertexPositionData has this format:

Type Name Description
String8 Name Name of vertex positionset.
float Weight Weight.

Actor Capture Frame

Send by the server for each motion capture frame. Motion capture data is in bone local space. The root bones are relative to either the actor position relative to the scene or the selected capture object. Capture frames match a specific bone layout revision. The client has to use the latest received bone layout. Capture frames belonging to different bone layouts have to be discarded. This avoids clients trying to read capture frames using the wrong layout. The message is send unreliable and has this format:

Type Name Description
Byte Code Message code. Is value 4
UShort FrameNumber Frame number of capture frame. Used to avoid delayed old frames interfering with new frames.
Byte BoneLayoutRevision Bone layout revision matching this capture frame.
Vector Position Position of actor. This is either the actor position relative to the scene or the selected capture object.
Quaternion Orientation Orientation of actor. This is either the actor position relative to the scene or the selected capture object.
Float Scale Scale of actor.
BoneState[BoneCount] Bones BoneCount bone states as described below. BoneCount matches BoneCount from the bone layout with Revision matching BoneLayoutRevision.
- Reserved Reserved for future expansion. Ignore any additional bytes in the message

BoneState has this format:

Type Name Description
Vector Position Position of the bone in bone local space.
Quaternion Orientation Orientation of the bone in bone local space.

Linked States

These are all linked states the client can request.


Send by the server to link the record/playback state. The link message has this format:

Type Name Description
Byte Code Message code. Is value 1
- Reserved Reserved for future expansion. Ignore any additional bytes in the message

The client has to add these values to the state in this specified order:

Index Type Name Description
0 UInt8 Status

Status of the recording. Can be one of these values:

  • 0: Neither recording nor playing back.
  • 1: Preparing to record. The user is shown in the HMD a progress bar indicating the time until recording begins.
  • 2: Recording.
  • 3: Playing back.
  • 4: Playback paused.
1 UInt8 FrameRate Frame rate used for recording.
2 Float32 PrepareTime Prepare waiting time in seconds.
3 Float32 PlaySpeed Playback speed multiplier.
4 Float32 PlayTime Playback time in seconds.
5 Float32 PlayPosition Playback position in seconds.
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democap/netspec.1683642617.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/09 14:30 by dragonlord