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Start Page » DragonScript Scripting Language » Behavior Elements: Quick and Easy Development » ECBehaviorColliderAI


Behavior element behavior adding collider support suitable for actor AI.

ECBehaviorColliderAI adds a collider which is useable for actor AI usage. This collider is not linked to ECBehaviorComponent but instead creates a ColliderVolume. The shape of the collider can be set manually or obtained from Rig resources. Using shapes from rig resources is usually the simpler way while creating shapes allows for greater flexibility. Otherwise the classes behave similar.

ECBehaviorColliderAI requires ECBehaviorCollider. Do not use this behavior if other behaviors try to move the ECBehaviorCollider. Doing so can produce strange results. Apply velocities and changes to the AI collider.

In contrary to ECBehaviorCollider this behavior does synchronize position with the element position but not vice versa. Actors typically have complex requirements on how their AI collider can move including projecting down to the ground after physics processing has finished. Behaviors suitable for managing collider AI typically update the AI collider velocities during think() and update element position and orientation from AI collider during postThink().

See also:

Instance Counts

This behavior can be used only once on an element.

Element Class Properties

Element class properties have the prefix colliderAI. .


This behavior has these events:


Collision detected.


Collision between colliders is possible. Only send if callback is enabled in collider AI. Stops after the first listener returning false. All listeneres added after this listener will not be called.


Collider changed.

Required Behaviors

Optional Behaviors

This behavior does not support optional behaviors.


This behavior does support element class to be persistable (setPersistable).

API Documentation


Since DragonScript Module Version 1.0

Use Cases

Element Class Example

This example defines an element which contains a resources.

class MyElement extends BehaviorElementClass
  public var ECBehaviorComponent component
  public var ECBehaviorCollider collider
  public var ECBehaviorColliderAI colliderAI
  func new()
    component =, null)
    collider =, component)
    colliderAI =, collider)

Behavior Factory

Using element class supporting adding behaviors the behavior can be added like this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<elementClass name='MyClass' class='GenericBehaviorElement'>
  <behavior type='ECBehaviorComponent'/>
  <behavior type='ECBehaviorCollider'/>
  <behavior type='ECBehaviorColliderAI'>
    <!-- optional: set collision filter. default value '3:0 1 2 3 4' which means
                   category BaseGameApp.CollisionFilterBit.actorAI
                   filter BaseGameApp.CollisionFilterBit.geometry,
                   format is '', 'category' or 'category:filter' where category and filter
                   are a list of bits to set. -->
    <string name='collisionFilter'>3:0 1 2 3 4</string>
    <!-- set element properties. omit property prefix if used inside behavior tag -->
    <string name='.name'>value</string>

Live Examples