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Start Page » DragonScript Scripting Language » Behavior Elements: Quick and Easy Development » ECBehaviorOccupier


Behavior element behavior adding support to uccipy an CBehaviorInteractionSpot.

CBehaviorInteractionSpot defines position and orientation actors or the player have to assume to interact properly with this element. The ECBehaviorOccupier behavior provides support to claim such interaction spots.

Behavior in action (starting at timestamp 1:28)

Instance Counts

Usually an element has one instance of ECBehaviorOccupier but it is possible to use multiple instance for example to track different interacions. Think of a chair the actor can sit down upon. The actor can use one occupier to track sitting on the chair while using another occupier to track interacting with something while being seated.

Element Class Properties

Element class properties have the prefix occupier. or occupier(id). if id is not empty.

This behavior does not define element properties (reserved for future expansion).

Required Behaviors

This behavior does not required other behaviors to be present.

Optional Behaviors

This behavior does not support optional behaviors.


This behavior does support element class to be persistable (setPersistable). Saves CBehaviorInteractionSpot if present.

API Documentation


Since DragonScript Module Version 1.4

Use Cases

Element Class Example

class PlayerActor extends BaseActor
   public var ECBehaviorOccupier.Instance occupier
   public func new(PlayerActorClass eclass) super(eclass)
      // Store occupier instance. This way you can access it in player
      // actions without needing to look it up.
      occupier = eclass.occupier.instance(this)

class PlayerActorClass extends BaseActorClass
   public var ECBehaviorOccupier occupier
   public func new() super("PlayerActor")
      // Create occupier. Game code can then use the occupier instance
      // to claim encountered ECBehaviorInteractionSpot instances
      occupier =
      // If you want to track more than one interaction spot you can
      // add multiple occupier instances each with an own ID.
      //occupierSeated =, "seated")
   public func Element createElement()
      // Create instance of player actor. If you do not want to store  the
      // occupier instance aside you can drop the createElement() function.
      // The base class then creates an instance of BaseActor

In the ExampleApp you can find a complete example of using this behavior: