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Start Page » DragonScript Scripting Language » Behavior Elements: Quick and Easy Development » ECBehaviorVRHandLaserPointer


Behavior element behavior adding VR Hand Controller Laser Pointer support to actor.

VR Hand Controllers often use a laser pointer type interaction.

This behavior adds a particle emitter representing the laser pointer. The behavior attaches itself to a ECBehaviorVRHandPointAt. The enable casting of the particle emitter is linked to the enabled state of ECBehaviorVRHandPointAt.

Named controllers can be used to set typically laserpointer parameters at runtime if the named controllers exist. The following named controllers are supported:

Additional named controllers can be added if required. The default particle emitter used is /shareddata/particles/laserpointer/laserpointer.depemit. This particle emitter defines the controller ranges like this:

The default particle emitter is set to use custom collision response. This behavior implements the response to make the beam stop at the first hit obstacle. The collision filter from ECBehaviorVRHandPointAt is copied to the particle emitter to ensure the results are comparable.

The particle emitter is aligned with the test direction.

Instance Counts

This behavior can be added twice to an element to add support for left and right hand controller. Use the behavior identifier to tell them apart.

Element Class Properties

Element class properties have the prefix vrHandLaserPointer. or vrHandLaserPointer(id). if id is not empty.


This behavior adds a child ECBehaviorParticleEmitter to the element class to show the laser pointer in the game world. The child behavior has the identifier “vrHandLaserPointer” or “vrHandLaserPointer(id)”. The child behavior has the element class property prefix “vrHandLaserPointer.particleEmitter.” or “vrHandLaserPointer(id).particleEmitter.”.

Hence to set for example the particle emitter of the right hand use the element class property “vrHandLaserPointer(right).particleEmitter.path”


Name of particle emitter controller to update with laserpointer length or empty string if not used.


Name of particle emitter controller to update with laserpointer intensity or empty string if not used.


Name of particle emitter controller to update with laserpointer red color component or empty string if not used.


Name of particle emitter controller to update with laserpointer green color component or empty string if not used.


Name of particle emitter controller to update with laserpointer blue color component or empty string if not used.


Length in meters of laser pointer.


Intensity of laser pointer. The actual intensity used depends on the particle emitter. Usually particle emitters use camera adapted intensity which maps an intensity of 1 to the camera upper intensity.


Color of laser pointer.

Required Behaviors

Optional Behaviors

This behavior does not support optional behaviors.


Saves these parameters:

API Documentation


Since DragonScript Module Version 1.7

Use Cases

Element Class Example

The following example creates an element class with laser pointer support.

class MyElement extends BehaviorElementClass
   public var ECBehaviorVRPlayspace vrPlayspace
   public var ECBehaviorVRHand vrHandRight
   public var ECBehaviorVRHand vrHandLeft
   public var ECBehaviorVRHandPointAt vrRightHandPointAt
   public var ECBehaviorVRHandPointAt vrLeftHandPointAt
   public var ECBehaviorVRHandLaserPointer vrRightHandLaserPointer
   public var ECBehaviorVRHandLaserPointer vrLeftHandLaserPointer
   public func new()
      // Create playspace
      vrPlayspace =
      // Create hand controllers. The InputDeviceType indicates what device type
      // to monitor. vrRightHand and vrLeftHand can exist only once
      vrHandRight =, vrPlayspace, InputDeviceType.vrRightHand, "right")
      vrHandLeft =, vrPlayspace, InputDeviceType.vrLeftHand, "left")
      // Create point at behavior for each hand. By default the test direction
      // is along the controller Z axis. For common controllers this points
      // along the handle direction which is like holding a sword or similar
      vrRightHandPointAt =, vrRightHand, "right")
      vrLeftHandPointAt =, vrLeftHand, "left")
      // If you have a ECBehaviorCollider in your element class it is a good idea
      // to ignore this collider. This avoids the point hitting the player body
      // or hands.
      // vrRightHandPointAt.setIgnoreCollider(collider)
      // vrLeftHandPointAt.setIgnoreCollider(collider)
      // Add laser pointers. These are disabled by default. Enable them in
      // actor actions for example when the player touches the track pad
      // on his controller or whenever a specific actor action activates
      vrRightHandLaserPointer =, vrRightHandPointAt, "right")
      vrLeftHandLaserPointer =, vrLeftHandPointAt, "left")

The BaseVRActorClass provides full VR support including ECBehaviorVRHandLaserPointer for both hands.

Live Examples