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Start Page » DEMoCap: Drag[en]gine Motion Capture » Dialog: Actor Profile

Character Profile Dialog

This dialog allows to edit characters to use as target for the motion capture. Each character has 1 character profile with 1 or more configurations. See the Character Configuration for editing configurations.

The dialog consists of a 3D preview of the character on the left side and the properties on the right side.

Use the Right Mouse Button to orbit around the character. Use SHIFT and the Right Mouse Button to move the camera sidewards, up and down. Use CONTROL and the Right Mouse Button to zoom in and out. If you are in VR mode you can use the 3 navigation buttons on the right side of the panel to perform the same actions. Point the laser pointer at one of the buttons then pull and hold the trigger to perform the button action (rotate, move, zoom).

Profile Name

Unique name of the character profile. This name is shown in the Character Panel selection box.


Model resource to use. Defines the triangle mesh representing the object. See Blender Export Scripts on how to export model files. Click on the “…” button to show a file selection dialog. You can only select files from underneath the overlay directory.


Skin resource to use. Defines the materials applied to textures in the model. Click on the “…” button to show a file selection dialog. You can only select files from underneath the overlay directory.


Rig resource to use. Defines the armature/skeleton used to deform models. The motion captured data is transferred over to this rig. See Blender Export Scripts on how to export rig files. Click on the “…” button to show a file selection dialog. You can only select files from underneath the overlay directory.


Animation resource to use. This is optional if your model is already in calibration pose. Otherwise this contains the calibration move and optional other moves to improve the motion capture result. See Blender Export Scripts on how to export rig files. Click on the “…” button to show a file selection dialog. You can only select files from underneath the overlay directory.

Origin Bone

Defines the origin bone of the model. This bone is optional but recommanded to use to improve motion capture results especially. If the text box is focused the selected bone is highlighted in the 3D view and you can click on a bone to select it.

Teleport Bone

Defines the teleport bone of the model. Use the waist or hip bone of the character for this bone. This bone is optional and is used to relocate the character in VR mode in a predictable way. If set to the waist/hips rotation in the VR mode is done around the waist/hips of the actor instead of the playspace center (where calibration took place). This makes navigating while in VR mode easier (all is relative to your hips). Furthermore teleporting to markers places the actor hips above the marker instead of the playspace center. It is recommended to set this bone to simplify movement and makes motion capturing faster.

Shoulder Level

Defines the distance between the floor and the character shoulder center. This value is used to scale the actor to the character while doing motion capture. If the text box is focused a level widget is shown in the 3D preview at the height entered in the text box. You can click and drag the red arrow on the widget to interactively move the shoulder level up and down until it fits.

Bone Axis

Defines the coordinate system axis facing forward. DEMoCap uses X-Axis pointing to the right (from center towards the right hand), Y-Axis pointing upwards (from feet to head) and Z-Axis pointing forward (along the head/eye looking direction). If your game model uses a different coordinate axis for pointing forward (for example due to the way your 3D application exports models) you can select here the coordinate axis to be used as forward (along head/eye looking direction) axis. The coordinate system is required to be left handed. By using the Blender Export Scripts you can set this to the default value of Z-Axis.


Defines the scaling of the model. This can be used to scale a model if 1 unit does not equal 1 meter. For example if your 3D application uses 1mm as 1 unit set the scaling to 0.01 to make the model have the correct size.

Preview Move

Defines an animation move to use in the 3D view. This is optional and can be used to simplify fitting the shoulder level for example by using the calibration move. If not set the model is shown in the rest pose.

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democap/dialog_characterprofile.1685656194.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/01 21:49 by dragonlord