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Stage Directions allow motion capture operators to set up stage directions for motion capture actors before the motion capture session begins. *.stagedirs.xml files allows to export/import stage directions to/from files. This makes it easier to work with stage directions. You can create stage direction XML files upfront without needing to start DEMoCap to edit them. Once you have them all set up you can simply import them into the appropriate scenes.

The XML has this structure:

  • tag stageDirections, occurance once
    • tag stageDirection, occurance zero or more times: Defines one stage direction
      • tag name, string content, occurance once. Defines the name of the stage direction
      • tag content, mixed content, occurance zero or once. Defines the text content of the stage direction to show. The content of this tag is string text with <br/> tags to create a new line.
      • tag image, string content, occurance zero or once. Defines path to image file to show. At the time being not used by DEMoCap.
      • tag video, string content, occurance zero or once. Defines path to video file to show. At the time being not used by DEMoCap.

An example file can look like this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <name>Motion 1</name>
      Description of what the actor has to perform.
    <name>Motion 2</name>
      Description of what the actor has to perform.<br/>
      After new line some more information.<br/>
      After an empty line some more information.
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democap/xml_stagedirs.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/02 14:50 by dragonlord