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Behavior element behavior adding touch sensor support.

Attaches a TouchSensor resource to the behavior element. By default the collision filter category is set to BaseGameApp.CollisionFilterBit.trigger and the collision filter mask is set to BaseGameApp.CollisionFilterBit.actorAI . This causes actors to trigger this touch sensor unless they have the CollisionFilterBit.trigger bit cleared. Modify the collision filter to allow other elements to trigger this touch sensor.

Upon being touched the touch sensor notifies the listeners.

The TouchSensor resource can be queried for the colliders currently touching it. Furthermore colliders entering and leaving trigger a notification allowing elements to track elements of interest.

If the ECBehaviorCollider behavior is present in the behavior element the TouchSensor is attached to the collider.

The behavior retrieves the owner of colliders inside the touch sensor. If these owners are elements they are stored in a list of elements touched by the owner element. This list is updated when elements enter or leave the touch sensor.

The owner behavior element as well as other ECBehavior subclasses can add a listener to be notified if elements enter and exit the touch sensor.

Instance Counts

This element behavior can be present multiple times in a BehaviorElement. In this case use a unique identifier to distinguish the individual touch sensors.

Element Class Properties

Element class properties have the prefix touchSensor. or touchSensor({id}). if id is not empty.


Touch sensor shape.

  • Full name: touchSensor.shape or touchSensor({id}).shape
  • Type: string (shape format). See “Shape List Encoding” in CodecPropertyString.
  • Default Value: empty string
  • Example (*.deeclass)
    <string name='touchSensor.shape'>box:position,0,0.5,0:extends,2,1,0.5</string>


Set shape to box matching the element size.

  • Full name: touchSensor.shapeFromSize or touchSensor({id}).shapeFromSize
  • Type: boolean
  • Default Value: false
  • Example (*.deeclass)
    <boolean name='touchSensor.shapeFromSize'>true</boolean>


Enable touch sensor.

  • Full name: touchSensor.touching or touchSensor({id}).touching
  • Type: boolean
  • Default Value: true
  • Example (*.deeclass)
    <boolean name='touchSensor.touching'>false</boolean>


Position to attach resource to collider.

  • Full name: touchSensor.position or touchSensor({id}).position
  • Type: 3-component float vector
  • Default Value: (0,0,0)
  • Example (*.deeclass)
    <vector name='touchSensor.position' x='0' y='0' z='0.1'/>


Orientation to attach resource to collider in degrees.

  • Full name: touchSensor.orientation or touchSensor({id}).orientation
  • Type: 3-component float vector
  • Default Value: (0,0,0)
  • Example (*.deeclass)
    <vector name='touchSensor.orientation' x='30' y='0' z='0'/>


Bone to attach resource to. If empty string attach to collider.

  • Full name: touchSensor.bone or touchSensor({id}).bone
  • Type: string
  • Default Value: empty string
  • Example (*.deeclass)
    <string name='touchSensor.bone'>attach</string>



Element entered touch sensor.


Element left touch sensor.


Element can touch this touch sensor if all listeners return true.

Required Behaviors

This behavior requires no other behaviors.

Optional Behaviors


This behavior does support element class to be persistable (setPersistable).

API Documentation


Since DragonScript Module Version 1.0

Use Cases

  • Detect touching elements.

Element Class Example

This example defines an element which can detect touching elements.

class MyElement extends BehaviorElementClass
  public var ECBehaviorComponent component
  public var ECBehaviorCollider collider
  public var ECBehaviorTouchSensor touchSensor
  func new()
    component =, null)
    collider =, component)
    touchSensor =, collider)

Behavior Factory

Using element class supporting adding behaviors the behavior can be added like this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<elementClass name='MyClass' class='GenericBehaviorElement'>
  <behavior type='ECBehaviorComponent'/>
  <behavior type='ECBehaviorCollider'/>
  <behavior type='ECBehaviorTouchSensor'>
    <!-- optional: set collision filter. default value '4:3' which means
                   category BaseGameApp.CollisionFilterBit.trigger
                   filter BaseGameApp.CollisionFilterBit.actorAI.
                   format is '', 'category' or 'category:filter' where category and filter
                   are a list of bits to set. -->
    <string name='collisionFilter'>3:4 0</string>
    <!-- set element properties. omit property prefix if used inside behavior tag -->
    <boolean name='.shapeFromSize'>true</boolean>
  <!-- for adding multiple behaviors use unique identifiers -->
  <behavior type='ECBehaviorTouchSensor' id='second'/>

Live Examples

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dragengine/modules/dragonscript/behavior_touchsensor.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/13 17:17 by dragonlord