Start Page » DragonScript Scripting Language » Behavior Elements: Quick and Easy Development » ECBehaviorVRControlDesktop
Behavior adding support to VR hand action to control desktops.
To be used with BaseVRHandAction subclasses. Tracks ECBehaviorVRHandPointAt. If an element is pointed at that supports ECBehaviorControlDesktop moves the mouse pointer and uses trigger pulling to simulate mouse click. Each hand can individually interact with different ECBehaviorControlDesktop. Hand action has to call pointAt(), pointAtPull() and pointAtRelease() to interact.
This behavior can be used only once on an element.
Element class properties have the prefix vrControlDesktop.
This behavior has no events.
This behavior does not support optional behaviors.
This behavior does not required element class to be persistable (setPersistable).
Since DragonScript Module Version 1.12
class MyElement extends BehaviorElementClass public var ECBehaviorVRPlayspace vrPlayspace public var ECBehaviorVRHand vrHandRight public var ECBehaviorVRHand vrHandLeft public var ECBehaviorVRHandPointAt vrRightHandPointAt public var ECBehaviorVRHandPointAt vrLeftHandPointAt public var ECBehaviorVRControlDesktop vrControlDesktopRight public var ECBehaviorVRControlDesktop vrControlDesktopLeft func new() vrPlayspace = vrHandRight =, vrPlayspace, InputDeviceType.vrRightHand, BaseVRActorClass.idVRRightHand) vrHandLeft =, vrPlayspace, InputDeviceType.vrLeftHand, BaseVRActorClass.idVRLeftHand) vrRightHandPointAt =, vrRightHand, BaseVRActorClass.idVRRightHand) vrLeftHandPointAt =, vrLeftHand, BaseVRActorClass.idVRLeftHand) vrControlDesktopRight =, vrHandRight, BaseVRActorClass.idVRRightHand) vrControlDesktopLeft =, vrHandLeft, BaseVRActorClass.idVRLeftHand) end end
Example of VR-Hand action using this behavior.
class MyHandAction extends BaseVRHandAction implements BAAVRTriggerInput protected var ECBehaviorVRControlDesktop.Instance controlDesktop // Create action. func new() end // Init behaviors. This stores aside the behavior matching the VR hand this action belongs to. protected func void initBehaviors() super.initBehaviors() if vrHand.getECBehavior().getID().equals(BaseVRActorClass.idVRRightHand) controlDesktop = ECBehaviorVRControlDesktop.getInstanceIn(actor, BaseVRActorClass.idVRRightHand) else controlDesktop = ECBehaviorVRControlDesktop.getInstanceIn(actor, BaseVRActorClass.idVRLeftHand) end end // Activate hand behavior. Enable hand point at to enable controlling desktops. func void activate(BehaviorElement actor, ECBehaviorVRHand.Instance vrHand) super.activate(actor, vrHand) handPointAt.setEnabled(true) end // Deactivate hand behavior. Disable hand point at and stop interacting with desktop. // Do not stop interacting here if you want to switch to another action that should // keep on using the desktop. func void deactivate() controlDesktop.pointAtRelease() handPointAt.setEnabled(false) super.deactivate() end // Frame update. Interact with control desktop if pointed at. The if check allows // to test various possible interactions stopping at the first one that works. // Make sure super.think(elapsed) is alway called even if exiting early func void think(float elapsed) if controlDesktop.pointAt() super.think(elapsed) return end // Here you could test for other possible interactions super.think(elapsed) end // Events by BAAVRTriggerInput we do not use for this example but have to be declared. func void triggerTouch() end func void triggerUntouch() end func void triggerAnalog(float value) end // Trigger is pulled. Sends left mouse press to desktop if one is controlled. // The if check allows to test various possible interactions stopping at the // first one that works. func void triggerPull() if controlDesktop.pointAtPull() return end // Here you could test for other possible interactions end // Trigger has been released. Sends left mouse release to desktop if one is // controlled. // The if check allows to test various possible interactions // stopping at the first one that works. func void triggerRelease() if controlDesktop.pointAtRelease() return end end end
Using element class supporting adding behaviors the behavior can be added like this:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <elementClass name='MyClass' class='GenericBehaviorElement'> <behavior type='ECBehaviorVRPlayspace'/> <behavior type='ECBehaviorVRHand' id='right'/> <behavior type='ECBehaviorVRHand' id='left'/> <behavior type='ECBehaviorVRHandPointAt' id='right'> <string name='vrHand'>right</string> </behavior> <behavior type='ECBehaviorVRHandPointAt' id='left'> <string name='vrHand'>left</string> </behavior> <behavior type='ECBehaviorVRControlDesktop' id='right'> <!-- required: use vr hand point at with id --> <string name='vrHandPointAt'>right</string> <!-- set element properties. omit property prefix if used inside behavior tag --> <string name='.name'>value</string> </behavior> <behavior type='ECBehaviorVRControlDesktop' id='left'> <string name='vrHandPointAt'>left</string> </behavior> </elementClass>