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The Drag[en]gine Wiki

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Welcome to the Drag[en]gine Game Engine Wiki!

The objective of this Wiki is to provide information and resources to developers wishing to use the game engine for their own projects, or “creatively modify” :-) games that are based on it.

In addition, a special section of this documentation effort has been devoted to the DragonScript Scripting Language that was specifically developed for this project.

Of course, the whole idea about having this wiki is that it can be extended through the knowledge and experience of the project's core team but most importantly the experience of any of you adventurous and curious tinkerers out there who take the time to get involved with the inner workings of this project.

We are happy to have you browsing this showcase of our efforts and we hope you enjoy it as much as we have so far!

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start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/08 10:41 by dragonlord