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Start Page » DEMoCap: Drag[en]gine Motion Capture


The DEMoCap Application allows to do Motion Capture using VR equipment. DEMoCap is build using the Drag[en]gine game engine. The resulting captured animations are usable directly in the Drag[en]gine game engine or can be imported into Blender for editing. Using Blender the captured animations can be used for all other purposes Blender can be used for.

To create motion capture you need at least one Actor Profile (the person acting using VR equipment) and at least one Character Profile with at least one Character Configuration (game character to apply motion capture to). Motion capture sessions are stored as Drag[en]gine Animation Files (*.deanim). These can be used directly in the Drag[en]gine with the character or imported into Blender using the Drag[en]gine Import Export Blender Addon.

The latest version can be downloaded here:

To run DEMoCap you need a working installation of Drag[en]gine Game Engine as a working SteamVR (Steam) installation.

If your PC is not so strong for VR use you can try Performance Improvements. Sometimes it also helps to disable the SteamVR Motion Smoothing feature. In some situations this feature can interact badly with DEMoCap causing wavy and nauseating artifacts.

If you are using VIVE Eye/Facial Tracking and you are affected by any of the points below:

  • Can not use Eye Tracking and Facial Tracking at the same time
  • Get horribly slow FPS (<45) if Eye/Facial Tracking is enabled

Then you should install the OpenXR Layer VIVE SDK to work around the problematic VIVE drivers. This affects only OpenXR applications like DEMoCap.


If you run into troubles running DEMoCap it is always helpful to include the log files to diagnose the problem. The log files can be found here:

  • Linux: ~/.config/delauncher/logs/games/e31f1c11-3ca6-c66b-adca-95484bedfc1f/logs/last_run.log
  • Windows: %LocalAppData%\DELaunchers\Logs\games\e31f1c11-3ca6-c66b-adca-95484bedfc1f\logs\last_run.log

You can upload the log files to temporary hosting platforms like PasteBin and create an issue on GitHub or join the discord server.







Character Tweaking

Object Behavior Properties

Generic Object Classes

High Level Motion Transfer

Low Level Motion Transfer

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democap/main.1721853167.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/24 20:32 by dragonlord